SEO strategy

SEO strategy

SEO strategy is a set of interconnected actions performed both on and off the website, aimed at achieving higher positions for specific keyword phrases, and thus increasing online visibility. In business terms, the main objective of an SEO strategy is to attract valuable traffic to a website and increase conversions and sales.

As part of creating and implementing a SEO strategy, you will be provided with a list of keywords for which the website should be visible in Google searches, a plan for expanding content on the website, creating publications, building a backlinks database, expanding internal linking, and optimising the website architecture.

It is best to think about creating an SEO strategy before you even create a website. Brand owners who already have their own place on the web, but do not have a SEO strategy, should also take care to create one as soon as possible. Only by implementing a well thought-out SEO strategy can you gain a business advantage over your competitors in terms of online visibility.

SEO tools that support us

  • Ahrefs
  • Screaming Frog
  • Google Search Console
  • Bing Webmaster Tools
  • SEO Surfer
  • Sitebulb
  • Webposition
  • Google Lighthouse
  • Google Page Speed Insights
  • GTMetrix
  • Seobility
  • Ryte
  • Rankz
  • Own experience and knowledge (brain)

What tools do we use?

google opinie

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